Thursday, November 17, 2011

Favourite Books

Just a quick post as i've been tagged by to post about our favourite books.

Our favouritest book of the moment is Monkey Puzzle.

It's hilarious. You can read my full review of it HERE

For Lovers of Aliens/Dinosaurs love underpants this is a really cool christmas version.

We really love the underpants books and now Ozzy is getting the hang of christmas and Santa he's loving this book. (PS, Pirates love Underpants is out soon!)

And finally, we also love this book:

We watch Octonauts before school 3days a week and we also met Captain Barnacles in our local Waterstones a few weeks ago. It's becoming hugely popular and i'm sure i'll be buying a few more of the Octonauts books in the near future.

Ta da!
Those are our favourites of the moment!!

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