Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Barry the Fish with Fingers-Sue Hendra

Barry, In case you hadn't noticed, Is a fish with fingers! There's many different kind of fish in the ocean, like Puffy the fish, who is the star of the show, but Barry can do all sorts with his fingers! And he soon attracts a lot of attention, making Puffy jealous.

I bought this for a couple of reasons, one being that a fish with fish stick fingers is hilarrrrioouuuss. Second, he's called Barry, which reminds our family of an episode of Ben and Holly.Oscar has re-named it, "Big Bad Barry with chips and fish fingers".
This book is fun, colourful and simple albeit quite cheesey!
There was just one thing that irked me a bit whilst reading through, which is when a crate drops on puffy the fish, it doesn't say what's in the crate in the storyline, though it is important to the storyline. I had to stop and explain what was in the crate so the ending wouldn't seem so crazy!The ending was the kind of end you'd write in your english class aged 6 when you got bored or writing any more.  But, even with those little gripes, it's a good book, funny and has a good moral behind the story. That everybody's different. And this is the kind of thing I want to get into Oscar's head before he starts school. Pretty good buy all in all.
RRP £5.99

1 comment:

  1. Ah we have this - it's currently my little one's favourite book. I love it!
